Yayasan Nawala Nusantara
: Jl. Hang Lekir Raya No. 2 - Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta 12120


One element of the most instrumental in Development Nawala are those who participate to support the Nawala.

Support to the Nawala can be provided in various forms: from using DNS Nawala, providing input sites that are not filtered, participate and disseminate the use of DNS Nawala to contribute a donation for the continuation of this service.

Support is also able to write articles, make instructions for use and share tips and tricks using DNS Nawala can send it to us via info@nawala.org, your writing will be edited before by the Team Nawala to be eligible to show.

If you or your organization would like to donate to us, please contact us at info@nawala.org
Team DNS Nawala